conical feed bins

Our conical feed containers can be used as bag feeders, big bag feeders or as intermediate containers for material that flows easily to moderately. Various designs and sizes are available.

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Discharge devices

Our material feed or dosing solution for poorly flowing or bridging materials. With the discharge technology specially designed for the transitube® spiral conveyor, even the most difficult materials can be handled reliably and volumetrically dosed with great accuracy.

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Big bag task units

With our big bag emptying stations, safe and fast big bag handling is guaranteed. Alternative solutions for handling with a forklift or with an integrated crane runway are available.

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Dosing Unit DP

The gravimetric batch-dosing unit type DP will be designed exactly to the needs of our customers. By using standard equipment combined to a complete system, the costs of such a system can be reduced. This way even small mixing plants can be realized for a satisfying price. From free-flowing granules up to bridging powders a wide variety of material can be handled.

Field of application

If you have to dose big amounts with high accuracy the dosingunit type DP will be the right solution. This special layout was developed especially for smaller PVC-mixing plants where the main target was accuracy more than automation. In countries where reducing of manpower is not the first need, this is the perfect unit design. For sure it can also be designed in a fully automated version.


Thanks to the concept of a basic design of the dosing unit type DP it is possible to realize a gravimetric dosing solution with high accuracy at low costs. All individual components come in bags or big-bags and elaborate conveying is deliberately avoided. This basic version has been designed for use in areas where costs per worker are low. Of course we can also provide an automatic transport, for example coming from a silo, for each component.


The different dosing units are placed around a central weighing hopper. This can be dosing systems for free-flowing materials like granules or PVC-powder or anti-bridging dosing units for bad-flowing materials like CaCo3 or titan-dioxide. The different components will be dosed one after the other into the weighing hopper until the complete mixture is ready. Afterwards the batch will be given to the following system (e.g. a turbomixer). By using the “loss-in weight” technology the system can also be operated as a continuous system.

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